CAPE TOWN – South African springboks lifting the Webb Ellis cup- Rugby World Cup 2019 is a sign of global strength and commitment to excellence and competence.

In South Africa, tourism contributed R136.1 billion, about 2.9 percent of the total gross domestic product (GDP) in 2017. When tourism’s indirect and induced benefits across a very broad value chain are factored in, the total contribution amounts to R412.5 billion, or 8.9 percent of the GDP.

South African tourism has a responsibility to train all citizens about hospitality and caring to make our tourist comfortable in all our regions.

Statistics confirms that Tourism created more jobs than manufacturing and mining between 2014 and 2017. Springboks adding the goodwill of South African branding will pull more tourists to visit South Africa from 2020.

South African minister Nkhensani Kubayi visited China and also Japan the past weeks as part of her international roadshows to encourage tourists to visit South Africa. Tourism has impact in contributing to GDP, job creation and also most tourists see opportunities for investments when they visit South African tourists destinations. I therefore emphasis that tourism is highly linked with investment in any country, as most investors start by touring to their target nations.