UK quarantine hotels – I am busy interpreting the ‘package deal’ hotel quarantine rules for UK nationals entering the UK from red list countries starting 15th Feb.

This is how I see it so far:

You will be transported from the airport to your billet

You get to stay on your own in a small room at a budget airport hotel with a kettle and TV for 10 days.

You get 3 meals a day left outside your door. Remember it is budget airport hotel food.

You will be guarded 24 hours a day to stop you leaving.

You have to change your own sheets and towels

You are allowed some periods of exercise in the car park accompanied by security guards

You have to stick a swab up yer nose 4 or 5 times during your stay.

and … you get to pay over 1,000 quid for the privilege

WT actual F??

But … the hotel industry in the UK gets a much needed boost. Yay.